Wednesday 28 November 2012

YOLO Trend

YOLO the most common hash-tag on twitter has set a sort of a trend. YOLO this and yolo that... Seems to be the new excuse to get drunk or do stupid things. There is no end to it.
If you have been living without the internet or in general hiding in the jungle YOLO stands for You Only Live Once.
The phrase itself has been around for years and was fairly common but picked up the pace in October 2011 when Drake announced it to be his new motto and sent out a tweet with the shortened version YOLO.

The internet is now filled with YOLO memes and sayings, but recently I have started to notice the trend is now become a fashion icon too! Instagram has so many examples of people who have taken the phrase to the next level, wearing t-shirsts, bracelets and other YOLO merchandise.

Here is a few things I found while wandering online... Jumpers , tshirts, iPhone cover, bracelets and even these crazy leggings!

Just like the LOL trend this one will probably linger.

E. ❤

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